SharePoint form Integration

Description: This document will provide instruction on how to use the services created by Tommy Rush for anonymous form submissions to a UFconnect SharePoint list.

Author: UF Web Services
Author contact:
Author URI:


Static HTML Form

Develop your form as needed, a simple example is below:

<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="name" value="your name"><br>
<input type="text" name="mail" value="your email"><br>
<input type="text" name="comment" value="your comment" size="50"><br><br>
Service Requested<br>
<select name="services">
<option value="hosting">Hosting</option>
<option value="hosting">DNS</option>
<input type="submit" value="Send">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">

Which generates:




Service Requested

The service consumes the name="" field of the input tags to direct the information into the proper column in your SharePoint list. You may submit to some of the predefined columns in your SharePoint list, but not all. You may use Category and Description fields currently, but any other field you may need will have to be made in sharepoint.

Replace name="" filed with the appropriate SharePoint labels

Sharepoint labels aren't entirely inuitive. Follow the steps below to modify your form to be consumed by SharePoint.

* Please note: name='' fields are case sensitive *

If using the Category and Description fields, change the name="" field:

For all other cases, you have created the custom columns in SharePoint. To view the labels created by SharePoint.

In your list:

Replace the name="" field in your form associated with the SharePoint column to the string you have discovered. name="mail" changes to name="Contact_x0020_Gatorlink". Repeat with any other fields that are associated with custom Columns in your SharePoint list.

Add hidden fields required by the service

The service created by Tommy Rush requires some more details about your SharePoint list. You will need to add two hidden input fields:

<input id="SGUID" class="SP" name="SGUID" type="Hidden" 
<input id="SPATH" class="SP" name="SPATH" type="Hidden" value="INST/DEPT/SUBDEPT/APPLICATION" 

These fields require some explanation.

The SGUID can be found:

While you are at the main listing for your list (E.g. select list -> list settings. The SGUID of the form can be found at the end of the URL.


You will notice the string after ?List= has %7B and %7D in place of curly brackets. Replace them with the curly brackets to make a porperly formatted SGUID. %7B5D044E9B-4524-48AE-8396-97C89337FD8A%7D becomes {5D044E9B-4524-48AE-8396-97C89337FD8A}

The SPATH can be found:

Under List settings, you can see the full Web Address for your list.

E.g. The SPATH requires the part of the address after the .edu/ and ends before the /Lists/XXX part of the address. For this example the SPATH is at/ATEAM/virt

Form Submission

The service is currently hosted at Set your form action to this address to enable the SharePoint integration.

E.g <form class="course" action="" method="post">



<form class="course" action="" method="post">
<input id="SGUID" class="SP" name="SGUID" type="Hidden" value="{5D044E9B-4524-48AE-8396-97C89337FD8A}" 
<input id="SPATH" class="SP" name="SPATH" type="Hidden" value="at/ATEAM/virt" />
<input type="text" name="Contact_x0020_name" value="your name"><br>
<input type="text" name="Contact_x0020_Gatorlink" value="your email"><br>
<input type="text" name="Body" value="your comment" size="50"><br><br>
Service Requested<br>
<select name="services">
<option value="hosting">Hosting</option>
<option value="hosting">DNS</option>
<input type="submit" value="Send">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">





Service Requested


Currently the only way Web Services supports SharePoint is through the use of a licensed, third-party plugin called Gravity Forms. Web Services has written a PHP script that posts to SharePoint. The script can be found here.

This script attempts to post * all * gravity forms to SharePoint.

With the exceptioon of changing the form action, the same customizations to a form built in HTML have to be done to any form created by Gravity Forms.

To add the admin labels needed by Sharepoint:

* Refer to the method described above for locating the appropriate labels in your SharePoint list *

Build your form as you would normally in Gravity Forms.

Add admin labels

Add hidden fields (SGUID) (SPATH)


If you have any questions about the service, email Web Services: